Jul 112011

Since many potential applicants are now figuring out how to use the financial template for Community-Based Care Transitions Program (CCTP) funding (as mentioned in our previous blog at: https://medicaring.org/2011/07/08/community-based-care-transitions-program-%e2%80%93-section-3026-funding/), here are some suggestions on mapping out a successful care transition model utilizing blended rate.  First, realize that all payments are to the Community-Based Organization, and must be paid “per eligible beneficiary.” Second, the worksheet provided by CMS must be used to convey the proposed blended rate. You’ll need to have enough experience in providing care transition services to estimate your population and costs in order to be successful in getting the funding.

Some applicants might want to focus on a particular illness or transition type (e.g., to Skilled Nursing Facilities), but we would encourage you to consider taking all Medicare fee-for-service discharges, but then using a stratified model to deliver services and estimate financials. Using just one intervention on all patients (e.g., the Care Transitions Intervention at Dr. Coleman’s site at: http://www.caretransitions.org) will meet the terms of the solicitation. However, a more sustainable model seems to have you divide the target population into three groups: low-complexity transitions, medium-complexity transitions and high-complexity transitions. Then, estimate the N, the acceptance rate, and the total costs for each of the three populations over a year.  Remember that CMS has said that initial training of staff and trips to meetings in Baltimore are not included in the budget (they must be covered from other funds or from indirects).

If a community finds it appealing to stratify as we suggest, then the blended rate is set by the number of people in the population segment, the likely complete refusal rate, and the costs of serving this population. In order to be effective, you will want to drive down the refusal rate wherever possible, and again, experience will be helpful.

One possibility for increasing patient compliance is by creating a patient-centered and patient-friendly intervention by improving cultural competency of all staff workers. Getting endorsement of relevant community leaders could also help mitigate refusal rate. We also recommend incorporating maximum family input to optimize care transitions, and thereby, reducing not only avoidable hospital readmissions but also generating Medicare savings.

This piece was written in collaboration with Dr. Joanne Lynn.


We are very interested in your experience and thoughts – and in some real examples to share.  Please respond to this blog, or send along info to [email protected].

Key words: care transitions, blended rate, Medicare savings, 3026, Coleman model, hospital readmissions

Jul 082011

Despite widespread interest in the $500 million budget allotted for Community-Based Care Transitions Program (CCTP) under the Affordable Care Act, many stakeholders are confused about the exact nature of the program. What does it aim to do? Who is eligible to apply for the funds?

Aim: CCTP aims to improve the reliability and effectiveness of care transitions as evidenced by reducing hospital readmissions. CCTP participants are paid to improve services targeted fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries, the population requiring the most frequent care transitions. The backbone of the program in most places will be cooperation of service providers in a geographic community, since the participation and engagement of many stakeholders who share in the care of the area’s patients appears to be essential for sustained excellence.

Eligibility: To be eligible for funding, every applicant must have a minimum of one Community-Based Organization (CBO) and one hospital. While a hospital on CMS’s list of high readmission hospitals by state can lead a proposal, the payment will still go to the CBO, making lead authorship rather trivial. Priority will be given to eligible entities participating in programs run by the Administration on Aging (AoA), or that serve the medically underserved, small communities, or rural areas.

Financing: Foremost, this is not a grant! Payment is based on a blended rate proposed in the response to the solicitation, paid “per eligible discharge” and heavily based on the type of intervention. The blended rate can reflect different costs for different categories of patients and can include such elements as ongoing supervision, monitoring, administrative costs, and so on. Most important, however, it does not include initial training: Sites must have some previous experience with care transitions, so they must have paid for initial training. CMS payment also cannot directly support travel expenses for attending the required meetings in Baltimore (the cost of this must come from some other source).

Applicants are required to use the worksheet provided by CMS. No payments will be made more than once in 6 months for each beneficiary. In other words, CMS will not pay for re-treatment of patients for whom first efforts to prevent rehospitalization failed. Keep in mind that, although the program will run for 5 years, the initial award is only for 2 years, with possibility of renewal annually thereafter.

Intervention: CCTP interventions must target Medicare beneficiaries who are at high-risk for readmissions, based on criteria provided by HHS, or for substandard care post-hospitalization. Interventions cannot duplicate already required services. You must be willing to participate in collaborative learning and redesign (including data collection). Finally, and not surprisingly, your intervention must save money overall, and show savings within two years.

CMS’s measures so far include:

Outcome measures

  1. 30-d Risk-adjusted all-cause readmission rate (currently under development)
  2. 30-d unadjusted all cause readmission rate
  3. 30-d risk-adjusted AMI, HF, and Pneu readmissions

Process measures

  1. PCP follow-up within 7 days of hospital discharge
  2. PCP follow-up within 30 days of hospital discharge

“HCAHP items” – (note – includes more than HCAHPS)

  1. HCAHPS on medication info
  2. HCAHPS on discharge info
  3. Care Transitions Measure (3 – item)
  4. Patient Activation Measure (13-item, see:    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1361231/table/tbl1/)

Note: There are some areas where the solicitation is unclear or internally inconsistent.

Key words: hospital readmission, care transitions, 3026 funding, evidence-based intervenitons, patient activation measure, budget worksheet, financing, medicare beneficiaries, payment rate, CMS

Jun 142011

In a complex system such as  transitions of sick and fragile patients from one setting to another, we are often so grateful for the few carefully done and reported research endeavors that funders and researchers easily fall into the trap of insisting upon slavish replication, assuming that this is the way to achieve the same results. If we were working with a highly standardized “system,” such as how heart cells respond to a drug, then we could reasonably assume that the curve of responses in Maine would be just about the same as the curve of responses in Arizona, and that what works for a dozen will work as well for a hundred.  Sometimes, of course, even those assumptions are wrong, but it is rare for an unmeasured characteristic of the population to greatly alter drug effects or metabolism.

However, there is every reason to assume that carefully done research on small numbers in a few settings will not be enough to guide practical implementation of process redesign.  There are two main reasons for this.  First, our paradigm for good studies is the randomized controlled trial (RCT), but some of its characteristics actually undercut the utility of the findings for guiding replication.  Specifically, the effective restrictions (stated and unstated) for eligibility make it likely that only a small sub-set of actual patients will be eligible for the trial.  Second, the fact that one is willing to randomize within one setting is good for blinded trials, but undercuts the galvanizing of the will that is often essential in fueling system reform. Consider this example – could you really generate the outrage that allows  a nursing unit to make changes to stop repeated mistakes in transitions to stop the suffering of their discharged patients — and simultaneously be expected to continue to do it wrong for all but a few of the patients?

Another challenge in the usual RCT is that the numbers affected are small — often only a small subset of the patients in the test site.  While this works for a proof of concept, improvement experts quickly note that scaling up is never just a matter of applying the same changes to a lot more people!  Instead, scaling up poses its own problems.  As one scales up improvements in care transitions, one has to work on incorporating many elements of the work into job descriptions and job routines so that the workflow is smooth.  One has to figure out fail-safe strategies, develop broad consensus in the community as to standards, train a populace to take a more active role in managing transitions for themselves and their loved ones, right-size the community’s supportive services, and a dozen additional elements.  The research model is usually a discrete “add-on” patch to a dysfunctional system.

Indeed, an RCT relies upon not changing the underlying dysfunctional system.  As one tries to implement the improvement approach more broadly, efficiency dictates that it become part of the system wherever possible.  Often, this also means that the highly skilled and motivated people involved in the research are replaced by less skilled, and, often, less motivated personnel providing routine services, with lower pay and more stresses.  Adapting the work of a research nurse practitioner to a regular home care RN, or of a skilled professional to a retiree volunteer, is real work that takes testing, innovation, and creativity.  In the work of the Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs), for instance, as they implemented evidence-based interventions, many substantial adaptations were required.  One team trained certain nurses in a home health agency to be the bridging nurses in an adaptation of Naylor’s model. One team used senior volunteers as trained coaches for patient activation in an adaptation of the Coleman model. I don’t believe that any of the 14 communities were able to implement a research-based intervention exactly as it had been done in the research report.  The research was still quite important for laying down the path, but following the path with larger numbers in varied contexts required adaptations.

Perhaps the most substantial challenge in our work is that small numbers do not threaten the hospitals’ overall patient flow, while broad implementation could cut into occupancy rates and cause serious financial problems, especially if done too quickly for the system to adapt and right-size its services.  Scaling up requires considering the financial impact. The good news is that there are usually good reasons to absorb this impact, including the fact that most rehospitalizations and medical hospitalizations of Medicare patients do not make the hospital money, or at least not much money.

Keywords: quality improvement, model adoption, evidence-based, eldercare, community-based, Naylor Model, Coleman Model

May 172011

The national commitment to improving care transitions is a remarkable opportunity for geriatrics and palliative care to make a mark (and even to get paid for doing it right!).  HHS has set a goal of reducing readmissions nationwide by 20% within three years .  The Affordable Care Act (Section 3026) put in place a $500million initiative for Community-Based Care Transitions https://innovation.cms.gov/initiatives/CCTP/, providing funding for community-based organizations to take the lead in assuring smooth transitions among settings in health care.  The Partnership for Patients adds substantial funding and organization to that initiative, and the upcoming QIO contracts provide some help to communities trying to get work underway https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=c9758e6861085718832064025f15d75f&tab=core&_cview=1 .  Hospitals are up against serious penalties for high rehospitalization rates in three years, under Section 3025 of the ACA.

What is especially important for geriatrics and palliative care is that most of what one needs to do to move patients safely from one setting to another is also at the core of our competencies – having a good care plan, making sure the medications are right, motivating patients and families to take an active role in treatment, coordinating social and medical services, providing supportive care, enabling patients to live at home through death, standardizing procedures across multiple providers, and getting information to the right place at the right time.  So – we can work toward care plans that reflect the medical and social situation and continue across time and settings, without having to take on the distortions of those who focus only on living wills.  We can work on community-based supportive services without apology to those who focus upon aggressive interventions.  There is even a strong role for supporting family caregivers.

Hospitals and health plans are taking the incentives and penalties seriously, creating an opening for good comprehensive care for our sickest and most disabled patients.  Often, we know the community-based organizations that could take the lead in seeking funding for the Community-Based Care Transitions program.  We can also take a strong hand in shaping these initiatives.  Right now, the quality measures for the Accountable Care Organizations are up for comment. The measures proposed start on about p.19569 at  https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2011-04-07/pdf/2011-7880.pdf .  You will note that there is no specific measure of the quality of the care plan or its continuity across settings (and you might comment to ask that this be developed and added asap!). You might also note that measure #9 is quite misleading and should not be used (having a physician visit before readmission or within 30 days of hospital discharge).  Another clear target is the oppressive antitrust rule, which mostly bars progression to ACO for most geographically-based organization of services.  This is much more complicated, but probably deserves at least a push-back on behalf of our patients (for whom the distribution of the “market” for surgeries and other interventional treatments is not determinative of good policy.  The instructions on how to submit a comment is on the first page of the proposed regulations https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2011-04-07/pdf/2011-7880.pdf .

So – what should you do – First, spread the word that Care Transitions is quite an opportunity for real growth in the quality and reliability of care that we can provide.  Second, check on whether your community might propose a Community Based Care Transitions program.  You can find lots of information at https://innovation.cms.gov/initiatives/CCTP/ and www.medicaring.org Third, write comments on the ACO regulations and watch for other opportunities.  Fourth, sign up for Twitter, and follow @medicaring – we’ll aim to keep you informed painlessly.  Fifth, get to know your federal and state representatives – have them come visit your place, or meet with them when they have office hours in the home district.  They will listen to you so much better if they have met you before and heard what you are trying to do.  Finally, help the American Geriatrics Society and others mount ever-stronger voices to shape the care of the elderly and those facing long-term serious illnesses – and back their engagement with letters, calls, and comments.

Keywords: geriatrics, palliative care, care transitions

May 172011

Many improvement teams have real problems with measuring their progress – some never get around to measuring, and some never do anything else!  This presentation was set for the communities funded under the Beacon initiatives that are working to bring information exchange to care transitions, but you’ll find the pointers applicable to any intervention that your community might try.

You can download a PowerPoint presentation by clicking the following link:

caretransitionsmeasuresprimer (PowerPoint presentation)

Keywords: Beacon communities, care transitions, reasonable skeptic test, ten units of energy test, sure audience test, rehospitalization, best practices, Medicare, good care plans, near misses, targeting, nursing home residents, mentally ill, delirious, frail elderly, homeless, ESRD,  “revolving door” patients, case reviews, Care Transitions Measure, avoidable readmission, HCAHPS, discharge planning, denominator problems, numerator problems


Apr 282011

The Colorado Foundation for Medical Care (CFMC) has released a free “Introducing Care Transitions Toolkit” of materials to help guide anyone who is thinking about starting a Care Transitions project. The web-based information includes practical ideas and strategies developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Care Transitions Theme. The care transitions issue is part of the Partnership for Patients initiative that will spend a billion dollars on quality improvment in the next couple of years.

The toolkit is available at http://caretransitions.org/tools-and-resources/.

CFMC is the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Colorado. Their Care Transitions Quality Improvement Organization Support Center (QIOSC) assists Medicare Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) to promote seamless transitions from the hospital to home, skilled nursing care, or home health care.

Apr 222011

Many improvement leaders want to target the patients who need care transitions to work well.  Of course, every person moving around in the care system needs the processes to work reliably, but some either have few needs or can handle their needs on their own.  So – who is it who gets caught in snafus and errors?  The folks who either have very complicated needs or who really can’t handle much on their own.  And who is that?  First are the elderly folks with many medicines, multiple chronic conditions, poor hearing and vision, and so forth.  This is not your tennis-playing 80 year-old uncle – but his 86 year old sister living alone in fragile circumstances in a second floor walk-up.  Yes – living arrangements and availability of help really matter. 

And who else?  Those with serious chronic mental health problems – depression, delusions, addictions.  A person who has trouble “keeping it together” on a normal day is going to have challenges coping with the complexity of the health care system, and even more trouble on a day when he or she is not feeling well.

Any others?  Those are the two major groups, perhaps supplemented by any others who have proven their ability to keep recycling back into the system.  Anyone who has been in the hospital twice in six months, or in the ER a few times, is someone who is at high risk of keeping on with that pattern.

We don’t yet have good evidence-based tools that a provider could use.  If you know of any high-functioning, low-cost screening tools, let us know in comments to this blog or send it to [email protected].
