By Anne Montgomery and Sarah Slocum
Altarum’s Program to Improve Eldercare has designed a survey of nursing home residents on the impact of Covid-19. We’d be grateful to have your help in regards to disseminating the survey link, along with a brief set of instructions, to interested nursing homes and to residents and their families.
Many thanks to Consumer Voice, AMDA, Leading Age Michigan, AHCA, the Pioneer Network, The Eden Alternative and ombudsman programs for helping to distribute the survey to as many residents as possible. We would be immensely delighted and grateful if it’s possible for others to post the instructions below, which include a link to the survey at the end. This is a survey of convenience, so it will not be fielded across a random set of respondents across the country. However, if we have help disseminating the link and receive a reasonable number of responses, we believe that this will help to generate a picture of residents’ experiences so far during the Covid-19 pandemic. Essentially, we are hoping to be able to use our survey expertise to help lift up residents’ voices during this difficult time.
The survey takes about 20 minutes, according to several residents who have tested it out. No personally identifying information is being collected. If they so wish, residents can choose to identify the home, their county, and state. The link to the survey will be active until August 31, 2020. If you have any questions, please be in touch: [email protected] .
Here is the core message that can be given to residents:
Thank you for taking the “COVID-19 Nursing Home Resident Survey,” which has been designed by Altarum’s Program to Improve Eldercare. We are grateful! This questionnaire at the link below is designed to be completed in 20 minutes or less.
- Residents can take the survey on a computer, a tablet or a smartphone – either their own, or one that is lent to them.
- We encourage residents to complete the survey on their own, if they are able
- Residents who want to answer the questions and need help can choose to be assisted by a family member or friend.
- If no family or friend can help, a member of the nursing home staff can assist.
- Once the resident is done answering the questions, they just click Submit – no other action is needed.
- We will be taking responses to the questions until Monday, August 31st.
A link to the survey is below. Thank you so much!