Aug 022013


Inside Health Policy features a July 31 article about  work underway at the Altarum Institute Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness to test new models of care for frail elders:

An elder care center is applying to CMS to test an ACO-like organization that would care for the frail elderly, which some seniors advocates believe could be a model for overhauling the long-term care system to handle the coming wave of dependent elderly. Joanne Lynn, director of the Altarum Institute Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness, said the approach, which resembles the accountable care organizations being tested on the general Medicare population, would add social supports that the current health care system lacks and would reduce ineffective medical interventions.

key words:  Altarum Institute, frail elders, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, CMMI, CMS, ACOs, elder care


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