About Us


MediCaring® is the exciting idea that Americans can learn to build reliable, effective, and efficient arrangements for services to support one another when we face the serious chronic conditions associated with very old age or the last years of life — and that such a care system will be quite different from the one we have now.

The issues are urgent. We will just about double the numbers of affected elders in a dozen years and many will be without housing and food. Working with partners around the country, we are learning more about what works, and how change might occur.

MediCaring® aims to build a health care system that can find patients who are living with serious and complex illness, mostly in the last years of life; can tailor services to their priorities, and can plan and pay providers in a way that encourages quality care at a price that communities and families can bear.

Our book MediCaring Communities: Getting What We Want and Need in Frail Old Age at an Affordable Cost details our model for transforming eldercare.

For more information, please email us at: [email protected].

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