Jul 252011

The Long-Term Quality Alliance (LTQA) was formed to respond to the increasing demand for long-term services and support and the expanding field of providers who are delivering that care. The Alliance is working to make sure that the 11 million people who need long-term services and supports in the United States receive the highest quality of care regardless of where that care is delivered. To that end, the LTQA  and its members are deeply interested in and committed to issues surrounding care transitions—improving those transitions as a way to improve patient experience, reduce medical errors, and make care more cost-effective.

At  the  recent  2nd Innovative Communities Summit, more than 130 participants engaged in presentations and dialogue focused on learning more about how to make care transitions safe, effective, and in the best interest of patients, residents, and their caregivers.  In opening remarks, Mary Naylor, Chair of the LTQA Board of Directors, described the local, community-based solutions that are necessary to respond to breakdowns in safety and quality. She noted that the field is looking for many things, including an opportunity to learn from other communities, especially around coalition- and community-building strategies; ways to raise awareness among communities about national programs now being launched; and strategies for advancing and sustaining the kinds of learning communities that will make such improvements a reality.

Other speakers included Kathy Greenlee, Assistant Secretary for Aging, and Paul McGann, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for CMS. A full report on the day’s presentations will be released soon, with highlights that include case studies of innovative communities, resources and insights from major national endeavors, strategies for community-building, and a perspective from the philanthropic community.

The LTQA is governed by a broad-based board comprised of 30 of the nation’s leading experts on long-term care related issues. The board has representation from consumers and family caregivers, providers, health service and researchers, evaluators and quality experts, private and public purchasers of care, foundations, think tanks, and agencies of the federal government that oversee aging issues and health care quality issues.

The LTQA works to make advancements in the quality of life of people receiving long-term services and supports by:

  • Facilitating dialogue and partnerships among all provider organizations that serve people needing long-term services and supports to help break down the provider silos in which quality initiatives have occurred.
  • Bringing consumers and family caregivers together with LTC providers and government agencies to agree on goals and associated measures of greatest concern.
  • Making stronger links between quality measurement goals and evidence-based practices to achieve them.
  • Collaborating with other quality improvement organizations on common priorities and goals.

We encourage you to learn more about LTQA’s work by visiting its website at www.ltqa.org, or by emailing me at [email protected].


Key words: care transitions, coalition building, innovative communities, quality improvement


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