May 112022
Explanation of Provider Network Analysis

This is an explanation of the Provider Network Analyses that the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care Analytic Services team created for the communities participating in the Using Data to Drive Improvement/Supporting Data and Communities Special Innovation Project. As used on this web site, Provider Network Analysis (PNA) characterizes relationships among healthcare service providers in a […]

Aug 072020

This is the draft as of August 7, 2020. Please add your comments at the bottom and we’ll update! Eldercare has long been the stepchild of society’s pursuit of well-being – shunned by medical care and starved by social arrangements. A century ago, this did not matter much – people did not live so long, […]

Jul 162020
A survey: the experience of nursing home residents during COVID-19

By Anne Montgomery and Sarah Slocum Altarum’s Program to Improve Eldercare has designed a survey of nursing home residents on the impact of Covid-19.  We’d be grateful to have your help in regards to disseminating the survey link, along with a brief set of instructions, to interested nursing homes and to residents and their families. […]

Jul 132020
Should Anyone Live in a Nursing Home?

By Joanne Lynn, MD Nursing homes are so widely shunned as being thoroughly undesirable that many advocates have proffered that they should be shuttered, and all care of disabled persons should be “in the community” and not in facilities. That refrain is growing with the obvious risks of COVID-19. I believe that we need to take […]

Jul 082020
Fragile Lives and COVID-19 Deaths in Nursing Homes

By Joanne Lynn, MD A colleague once sent me an obituary notice from a local paper in Arkansas which said, after noting that the 94-year-old woman had gone to live with Jesus, that she “had been troubled in her later years with heart problems and succumbed to the complications of a cold.” How true.  That […]

Mar 282020
A Pragmatist’s Advice for Nursing Homes

Joanne Lynn, MD, MA, MS March 28, 2020 Note: this post is aimed to help people leading or working in nursing homes, and regional planners. If you are someone who is worried about your relative in a nursing home, you may find this a bit overwhelming, and you’d certainly need to do some translation. Also, […]

Mar 242020
Preparing Eldercare for a Surge of Covid-19 Deaths

By Joanne Lynn Within the next few weeks, the U.S. will experience a very large number of deaths from Covid-19. The evidence is now plain that these will mostly be persons over 60 years old, and many will be persons past 80 and persons already living with disabilities and illnesses associated with aging. Every one […]

Jan 272020
Services for Social Determinants of Health Play a Bigger Role in Health Care Delivery and Policy

By Anne Montgomery and Nils Franco As the age wave rapidly transforms Medicare and the wider U.S. health care sector during the 2020s, policymakers and stakeholders are starting to pay much closer attention to including supportive services as part of the continuum of health care delivery. A growing number of Medicare Advantage (MA) plans are […]

Nov 132019
House Hearing on Aging Issues, November 14, 2019

The Ways & Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives heard testimony on “Caring for Aging Americans” on November 14. Dr. Joanne Lynn participated as an expert witness. A video of the hearing can be viewed at Read Dr. Lynn’s comprehensive written testimony by clicking below. Testimony_JLynn_to_WaysMeans_11-14-2019

Oct 222019
Community Care Corps: Neighborliness Renewed and Expanded

By Sarah Slocum, Altarum Program to Improve Eldercare We live in a country of neighborhoods. Our geographic neighborhoods often bond around a common ethnicity, a religion, similar economic status, or a group of occupations or employers. In large cities, perhaps it’s a school district. Across urban, suburban and rural areas, these factors that identify neighborhoods […]